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фотография Койсин Виталий Евгеньевич

Койсин Виталий Евгеньевич

Старший преподаватель КТМиСМ

Ученая степень
Кандидат технических наук
Стаж, лет
К.т.н., доц., каф. теоретической механики и сопротивления материалов, СПбГМТУ
2000 г. – выпускник СПбГМТУ, магистр по направлению «Прикладная механика»
Научные достижения
2003 г. – Royal Institute of Technology (Швеция), лицензиат в области машиностроения, тема дисс.: «Отклик трёхслойных конструкций на локальные нагрузки»
2004 г. – СПбГМТУ, к.т.н., тема дисс.: «Локальная прочность трёхслойных конструкций с пористым наполнителем»
Наиболее значимые публикации:
  • Kotanjac Ž, Lefferts L, Koissin V, Warnet L, Akkerman R. Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers on Large Woven Cloth. C—Journal of Carbon Research. 2015; 1(1):2-15.
  • V.Koissin, A.Demčenko, V.A.Korneev. Isothermal epoxy-cure monitoring using nonlinear ultrasonics. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2014; 52:11-18.
  • A.Demčenko, V.Koissin, V.A.Korneev. Noncollinear wave mixing for measurement of dynamic processes in polymers: Physical ageing in thermoplastics and epoxy cure. Ultrasonics, 2014, 54:684-693.
  • V.Koissin, L.L.Warnet, and R.Akkerman. Delamination in carbon-fibre composites improved with in-situ grown nanofibres. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 111:140-148.
  • S.V.Lomov, V.Koissin, M.Karahan, A.Godara, L.Gorbatikh, I.Verpoest. Compressibility of CNT-grafted fibrous reinforcements: A theory. International Journal of Material Forming, 2010, 3:627-630.
  • V.Koissin, A.Shipsha, and V.Skvortsov. Wrinkling in sandwich panels – an analytical approach. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 2011, 13(6):705-730.
  • V.Koissin, A.Shipsha, and V.Skvortsov. Effect of physical non-linearity on local buckling in sandwich beams. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2010;12(4):477-494.
  • V.Koissin, J.Kustermans, S.V.Lomov, I.Verpoest, B.Van Den Broucke, and V.Witzel. Structurally stitched NCF preforms: Quasi-static response. Composites Science and Technology, 2009;69(15-16):2701-2710.
  • V.Koissin, A.Shipsha, and V.Skvortsov. Compression strength of sandwich panels with sub-interface damage in the foam core. Composites Science and Technology, 2009;69(13):2231-2240.
  • V.Koissin and A.Shipsha. Residual in-plane mechanical properties of transversely crushed structural foams. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2009;11(2-3):199-211.
  • V.Koissin, J.Kustermans, S.V.Lomov, I.Verpoest, H.Nakai, T.Kurashiki, K.Hamada, Y.Momoji, and M.Zako. Structurally stitched woven preforms: experimental characterization, geometrical modelling, and FE analysis. In ECCM 13 Special issue of Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, 2008;38(2-4):98-105.
  • V.Koissin and A.Shipsha. Residual dent in locally loaded foam core sandwich structures – Analysis and use for NDI. Composites Science and Technology, 2008;68(1):57-74. 
  • N.Tolosana, V.Koissin, S.V.Lomov, J.Stüve, A.Miravete, and J.Gonzalez. Measurements of yarn paths in 3D braids. Advanced Composites Letters, 2007;16(5):161-165. 
  • V.Koissin, V.Skvortsov, and A.Shipsha. Stability of the face layer of sandwich beams with sub-interface damage in the foam core. Composite Structures, 2007;78(4):507-518. 
  • V.Koissin, A.Ruopp, S.V.Lomov, I.Verpoest, V.Witzel, and K.Drechsler. On-surface fiber-free zones and irregularity of piercing pattern in structurally stitched NCF preforms. Advanced Composites Letters, 2006;15(3):87-94. 
  • V.Koissin and A.Shipsha. Deformation of foam cores in uniaxial compression-tension cycle. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2006;8(5):395-406. 
  • V.Koissin, A.Shipsha, and V.Rizov. The inelastic quasi-static response of sandwich structures to local loading. Composite Structures, 2004;64(2):129-138. 
  • V.Koissin, V.Skvortsov, S.Krahmalev, and A.Shipsha. The elastic response of sandwich structures to local loading. Composite Structures, 2004;63(3-4):375-385. 
  • V.Skvortsov, V.Koissin, and A.Shipsha. Stability of the face layer of sandwich structures with a local interlaminar damage. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2002;38(6):781-792.
Читаемые дисциплины
  • Лабораторный практикум по механике деформируемого твердого тела
  • Вычислительный практикум по механике деформируемого твердого тела
  • Сопротивление материалов
  • Дополнительные главы сопротивления материалов